Building lots in State College can be well over $100,000 for 1/3 of an acre. A short 30-minute drive can save you 10’s of thousands of $$$$$$. The quaint community of Millheim is home to the Elk Creek Café and Pisano Winery. Just 1 mile up the road you’ll find Burkholder’s Country Market and Weavers’ Store for all your local grocery and hardware/convenience needs! 10 miles west brings you to Centre Hall, where you can enjoy events held at the Centre County Grange Fairgrounds as well as Penns Cave & Wildlife Park. A short drive to State College opens your options to all the opportunities that a college town brings without the added expense of college town amenities. If you are looking for a family investment that makes the best sense for your new home budget, Mensch Estates in Millheim is the place for you. Contact us today to learn how to save $4,000.00 on the purchase of your new home lot in Mensch Estates when you build with Brookside Homes!
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